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09/29/21 12:51 AM

#97958 RE: BayTrader280 #97957

To repeat...the only way SHMP gets to $1, IMO, is via an R/S. The only way SHMP does an R/S is after it clears up its cluster-F of a share structure.

The only way that happens settling with ALL the Series A shareholders for what ALL of those shareholders want. Not just settling with Mr. Shover for pennies on the dollar. Why? Because even if SHMP settles with Mr. Shover, the Series A shares owned by those who DON'T WANT to settle for pennies on the dollar continue to exist...and continue to hold the bear the right to be converted to as many shares as are outstanding at the time of conversion.

That's my interpretation. That's been my interpretation. SHMP "investors" should consider reading the filings in the Shover law suit and draw their own conclusions. But I think they'll be disappointed.


09/29/21 8:50 AM

#97960 RE: BayTrader280 #97957

Agree 100%

At the current rate of food inflation a shrimp will sell for a buck-a-piece.