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Doc logic

09/28/21 3:36 PM

#405070 RE: Troymister #404926


We are at a crossroads. The last financing left expectations about top line data before any next financing. The next financing was expected to coincide with need for loan repayment. Loan repayment has some potential to be started with funds from conversion of warrants. Conversion of options and warrants by management would send a bullish signal if all of management participated but only if other news comes with it if Linda or Les are the only ones to do so. We are at the beginning of the time for the journal article/ TLD to be released without any further delay based on the expectation of priority review and we are in the expected time of Sawston certification news. Linda and other management, as stated above, can offer their own financing without hurting current investors by converting their options and warrants to shares thus buying any time needed to line up favorable news including anything from partnership offers after journal acceptance. There is plenty of supporting news behind the desired news of top line data including from Direct Phase 1 survivors, patents, additional clinical trial results from pseudo progressors, the combo trial, ways to improve outcomes from treatment outside the parameters officially used during this trial etc.
In short, the time has come for all parties to come into alignment with the number one priority of getting this safe and effective treatment to patients and that requires a BLA/MAA process that is uninterrupted by unethical and unnecessary delays. If that process is currently underway and not facing delays created by lack of an journal acceptance great. If not, then all the delays after the next couple of weeks of timing up news release need to be pinned by name on those causing the delays to publicly hold them accountable. I hope ambassador Black might be called on to make a few calls in that regard if needed. Best wishes.