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uber darthium

09/23/21 2:11 PM

#35439 RE: jay14 #35438

Please remind us how MAXD is involved in this case…

After the above answer, then please remind us of any legal fees paid by MAXD to be a party in this suit…




09/23/21 3:46 PM

#35441 RE: jay14 #35438

All claims in Eli Attia's lawsuit have been dismissed.

The mandatory settlement conference + jury trial are obviously cancelled.

Google has served a memorandum of costs of $60,000 upon Eli Attia.

Only a desperate long-term MAXD investor would believe that taking over 7 years to dismiss claims is "moving quickly"

Let the games begin for those interested in the other case....
Attia et al vs Google LLC, et al....
Court is moving quickly IMO,
but it's been a long 7 years coming....
This could of moved the stock as well....