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09/18/21 12:17 PM

#402742 RE: HappyLibrarian #402739


Long before NWBO announced plans to unleash news all at once a suggestion was made that they do this on this board. It’s just good strategy to get the most important news out first so that supplementary news carries more punch. Investors don’t like this because we are required to carry the time cost on our investment if the investment is not being managed for this carry by a trading strategy. The ones who are most content on this board either have been willing to carry this burden as part of their strategy or are trading to advantage. Linda will get news tied as close together as she can and she has some allies that I’m sure will help her do this. As MIDendream recently pointed out, Dr. Linda Liau will be the one to receive notice of journal acceptance first and that can lead to a delay of news to NWBO. Manufacturing certification tweaks might also be able to be timed up. So knowing what we do about NWBO stating they want news bunched up I think you can see the possibility of what might be going on especially if BLA/MAA(s) are in the works. Best wishes.