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09/15/21 11:23 AM

#402233 RE: Basin Street Blues #402216

The median time from issuance of a press release announcing trial results until publication in a peer-reviewed journal or posting on was 300 days (95% CI, 263-348).

Add in the time from data lock to unblinding (estimating 1-2 months) and you're at the 12 month range.

This one shows a bit longer.

Positive trials were submitted for publication significantly more rapidly after completion than were negative trials (median, 1.0 vs 1.6 years; P=.001) and were published more rapidly after submission (median, 0.8 vs 1.1 years; P=.04).

Actual example that I've followed because I'm invested, Aurinia Pharma recently got Phase 3 results published in the Lancet (May 10, '21) and that trial announced positive TLD in Dec of '19. ~1.5 year turnaround.