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09/07/21 11:40 AM

#53336 RE: j_iliz #53334

They need to recall the cars physically and replace the batteries or stop making them just like Chevy has done with the bolt.

Of course replacing the batteries will not stop the sponteous combustion issue during solar storms. The problem is really lithium batreries.

Link #1 shows how solar storms lead to electric currents in soil and how those currents create magnetic fields.

Link #2 shows a real world measurement of electromagnetic fields at the surface during a solar storm. This is an amatuer measurement in England April 18th, same weekend several Teslas crashed and caught fire.

Link #3 shows how EMFs induce heating of lithium ion battery cells

Link #4 is the scientific study where 18650 battery cells, amoungst others, were exposed to EMFs to induce thermal runaway.

The electromagnetic field heats up locally the internal layers of the cell.