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08/20/01 10:27 PM

#11447 RE: Francois+Goelo #11444

F&G, we have already been over this regarding the record, go back and read post 9917 on this thread.

I put little credit into a no-contest or a plea-bargin agreement. You didn't have a problem with it then but you make a big issue of it now. Take it from someone who knows, it doesn't mean jack s***.

One of the guys I bowl with is a very good friend of mine. He has TWO FELONY CONVICTIONS on his record. Stole a car and got into a chase with the police, wrecked, all when he was 16 years old. He is now 33 years old, married, beautiful family, business owner, and hasn't been in a stitch of trouble since. Guess I should point a finger at him and thumb the bible with my fist on the table right? I trust him more than some of the cops on the force.



08/20/01 10:42 PM

#11451 RE: Francois+Goelo #11444

F&G, based on previous business advice I would think you would be selling before you successfully drive this puppy to the grave yard. Jeez, then maybe you could also move on down the road, give us a break, and take the stress out of your Island life - need good health to enjoy the millions in previous successes you've bragged up over the years.

Still waiting to get advice on the other stocks you prompted many of us to get into the past 2 years. In previous encounters you kept to the high road and many of us defended you against individuals taking about the same approach that you've now settled for.

Where are your positive comments on stories such as DiverDan's which would encourage folks as the the base quality in the key products which we hope will take the company to its success?

And when will you drop the 50% of your messages that only slam other board memebers ( like - 'should have named him "Callmemoron" ' or issues which have nothing to do with SEVU's business. How little you must realize about the private lives of a zillion other executives of the leading companies in the world!

LOL, zagdad