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09/06/21 2:24 PM

#53297 RE: boston745 #53296

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Tesla Has A Genius Plan That Gas Cars Can't Ever Beat

The future is electric, and Tesla is leading the way.

Remember when every new Tesla vehicle purchase was eligible for a $7,500 U.S. federal tax credit? Provided you had the tax liability to take advantage of it, this was a pretty sweet deal. It arguably helped promote Tesla's sales for a number of years. However, the credit is gone and it has been for some time, but that hasn't stopped people from flocking to buy a Tesla.

Most other new EVs still qualify for the credit, aside from those produced by GM. While this means that Tesla's rivals are available with a whopping $7,500 incentive, and Tesla owners can't get a federal tax credit, the Silicon Valley automaker is still selling many more EVs than any other brand. The Model 3 is the best-selling EV across the globe, and the Model Y is quickly catching up.

With all of this said, there's a new potential incentive/rebate plan being tossed around that could mean a $10,000 credit for people purchasing a Tesla. It only makes sense that if the credit becomes available, Tesla's sales will most likely increase significantly. The $10,000 credit will put at least some of Tesla's starting prices on par with gas cars. Moreover, some of the brand's cars could actually end up being much cheaper than their gas-powered rivals.

Andy Slye goes into much more detail about the potential incentive and what the future may hold for Tesla. This could truly be the advantage that leaves gas cars behind much more quickly than many people anticipate. Slye lists the video's topics and timestamps as follows:

Swedish investigators concluded fires were the result of arson, evidence ruled out any other possibilities.

Several Teslas parked at Malmö, Sweden location were found to have been deliberately set on fire. According to a news release from Swedish authorities, video footage obtained from Tesla sentry mode, shows three masked men pouring accelerants on cars. Suspects still remain at large and the case remains open.

Arsonists Reportedly Set Fire at New Tesla Factory Site
An environmental group has claimed responsibility.

More Than 100 Cars Burned in Mass Arson Attack in Sweden

Burned cars in Frolunda Square in Goteburg, Sweden, on Tuesday. By the time the blazes were over, a police spokesman said, “33 cars had been lit on fire and about 50 cars had been damaged.”Credit...

GOTEBORG, Sweden — The Swedish authorities on Wednesday were investigating the burning of more than 100 vehicles on the nation’s west coast, in what they said was a coordinated arson attack by groups of young men.

The attack began shortly after 9 p.m. Monday, when several cars were reported to be on fire in the main square of Vastra Frolunda, a suburb of Goteborg, Sweden’s second-largest city.

By the time those blazes were over, “33 cars had been lit on fire and about 50 cars had been damaged,” Thomas Fuxborg, a spokesman for the Swedish Police, said in a phone interview.

A few minutes after the fires broke out in Vastra Frolunda, there were reports of cars on fire in Hjallbo, a district in northeast Goteborg. Fires were also reported in Kronogarden, a district of Trollhattan, about 45 miles north of Goteborg, the police said.

“We think these attacks were coordinated using social media,” Mr. Fuxborg said, adding that the police were investigating the crimes as acts of arson, vandalism, rioting and incitement to violence.

“Society is going to react very harshly against this,” Sweden’s prime minister, Stefan Lofven, told Radio Sweden, adding: “We have raised the punishment for vandalism. We will also propose this fall to address the attacks on the police that often occur in the wake of this kind of activity.”

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The car fires are likely to become a political issue as Swedish elections loom. Generally, health and medical care, schools and education, integration and immigration, the environment, and care for the elderly top the priorities for most Swedes. But a recent poll showed that 10 percent of the population lists law and order as the most important issue in the vote on Sept. 9, the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reported on Saturday.

Mr. Lofven, a Social Democrat, is running for re-election, and he spent Tuesday afternoon visiting the affected area in Vastra Frolunda.

On Tuesday, the police arrested a 16-year-old boy and a 21-year-old man in connection with the fires there. A third man who had fled to Turkey was picked up at an airport there late Tuesday, said Christer Fuxborg, a police spokesman
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Tesla thru the roof

09/06/21 4:24 PM

#53300 RE: boston745 #53296

That’s all been Debunked by the local authorities. Time to Move on