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09/01/21 7:22 PM

#6775 RE: Thinman13 #6774

Thanks. I haven't had time to dig in yet, but will tonight. Most of my education was actually in Physics, and I've been neglecting my extracurricular reading for a while now. So, thanks again very much for the link!


09/20/21 6:17 PM

#6897 RE: Thinman13 #6774

Here Thinman, from quantum to cosmic...

"Uchuu, the most realistic simulator of the Universe ever created"...


09/29/21 10:19 AM

#6992 RE: Thinman13 #6774

To go with your Penrose-Hameroff paper...

The role of psychedelics in neuromodulation derives from binding to the serotonergic 5HT2Areceptors. Serotonergic receptors serve a crucial role in precision control underlying sentience57 and attention that is necessary to infer both the cause of sensory impressions and the consequences of self-initiated actions(Picard & Friston, 2014). Imaging evidence and brain connectivity findings are consistent with the preferential stimulation of 5-HT2AR on deep pyramidal cells, which are densely distributed in visual and associative areas of the cortical hierarchy (R. L. Carhart-Harris, Erritzoe, et al., 2012)(R. L. Carhart-Harris, Muthukumaraswamy, et al., 2016)(Katrin H. Preller et al., 2018)(Roseman et al., 2016)(Katrin H. Preller et al., 2020)(Franz X. Vollenweider & Preller, 2020)(R. L. Carhart-Harris& Friston, 2019)(Saulin, Savli, & Lanzenberger, 2012). Under predictive coding, these cells are thought to be the cells of origin of descending predictions to subcortical systems or lower hierarchical levels.