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Pastor Phil

01/27/07 10:29 PM

#12837 RE: kuaizhi #12835

If this is true than why would you tell a newbie to buy knowing the pps would drop, potentially a great deal in a short time? the difference between .007 and .0055 or .004 (who knows where is will go to) is a great deal.

on 1-16-07 ECFL opened at .008 and closed at .007, and is currently trading .0055 to .006. I wouldn't consider that a potentially great drop in PPS. In fact, it seems to me that it is holding it's own without any great news. Most people knew the merger with magnum failed long befor it was made public. It was no surprise and no big drop in PPS.
I was hoping it would drop more so I could get some more real cheap, but that HAS NOT happened as of yet. When Flats said now was the time to jump in, he answered the quiestion you asked. But weather you get in at .008 or .005 is all up to you. Those that know this company will buy at any PPS and profit.
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01/28/07 9:40 AM

#12839 RE: kuaizhi #12835

"Sorry, I don't have time to wait and see." As I've said in the past, this "I need 100% gains each day or I'm selling" will lead to an awfully short life in the market. I remember the days when people would be satisfied with 20% a YEAR, which incidentally made a LOT of millionaires.

I don't make buy/sell recommendations and never have, especially to people that can't wait a couple months for a 100% gain, lol. Wouldn't want anyone to have to wait THAT long, sheesh...

Good luck to you.
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01/28/07 2:30 PM

#12843 RE: kuaizhi #12835

mr or mrs.kuaizhi,if someone told you to jump off the golden gate bridge would you do it? this is the land of the pinks where things change day to the time you were told to buy buy buy news was right around the i said land of pinks is for strong of heart with a little patience thrown in.if your looking for the next R.I.M.M or EVCC your in the wrong stock.this stock reacts on good P.R only,gains can be very explosive.stick around for a couple of weeks and find out bash fox is way off base and i can assure you if you had half of his stroke you could buy the golden gate bridge.remember when you push the buy button that decision is on your shoulders dont try to pass the buck... p.s i wish i was only down 15%.good luck and stick around awhile.. ole muddy!!!!
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01/28/07 5:45 PM

#12847 RE: kuaizhi #12835 for the advice that was given, it was based on the information available at the time. Shortly before the PR was tentatively due ( approximately 12 Hours ), Myself as well as another board member received updated information that was contrary to the initial communication. This info. was communicated via PM to those members I have communicated with in the past and trust will process the INFORMATION AS IT SHOULD BE and with the understanding that any variable in the Corporate World is subject to change at any time.
You demonstrate the reason I do not post info. from sources publicly. Had I done so, and you were aware of that info. it is very obvious that the very first thing you would do is as you are doing now...criticize my intent. I assure you and most on this board will verify this, since the day of my first post on this board I have done nothing but attempt to provide information to shareholders in order that they may make their own decision.
As far as the drop from .007 TO .0055, crystal ball is currently non-functional or I would have certainly gave you an exact series of events regarding that dip in the PPS in order to prevent any misfotune you may experience.
If you would like to look at the glass being half empty rather than half full as far as how much profit you COULD have potentially lost at the entry I advised so be it...your choice...nothing ventured nothing gained. How wonderful it must be to be a Monday morning Quarterback.
Really didn't mean to pee in your Cheerios, but perhaps I might suggest not seeking advice from a Message Board if you are unwilling to take that advice objectively.
My profession is clearly exhibited in my profile...not sure how much clearer it could be....
Since you are not a shareholder currently, I really see no reason for you to continue to post on this board. This would seem to be a waste of your precious time and as you say " Time is Money ".