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Mumbo Jumbo

08/20/21 1:05 PM

#181946 RE: Nspireaction #181945

Maybe Rory can get a Bank Loan

Tell me when Verb is CASH FLOW


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08/20/21 3:46 PM

#181949 RE: Nspireaction #181945

Verb currently has over 160 enterprise clients, with over 40 of them in the verbLIVE beta test.

Over 100,000 users signed up for verbLIVE in one weekend after the Asian launch "Sidoti Microcap Conference"

There are currently around 600,000 users of verbLIVE

What we don't know, and Rory sided-stepped answering, is how many of the 600,000 users of verbLIVE are paying, what is the breakdown?

If 600K x min. $5/mo. they should have a bare min of $3M a month in revenue, there is no sign it's anywhere close to that. If we can't interpret, correctly, the available info, all else is speculation; Hopes N Prayers N Hopes and Prayers N ......

There could be 1 user at each "enterprise client" paying $5/month, totaling only $900/mo or $millions/mo., we just don't know. Instead our ears are bathed in superlatives.

Of the 100,000 users that signed up for verbLIVE in one weekend after the Asian launch "Sidoti Microcap Conference", how many are paying vs. just trial subscriptions? Might be all might be none, we don't know. It could be generating no revenue at all, we simply don't know.

We should be able to reasonably see a LOT more revenue based on the forward looking statements of the last 3 years and stated numbers of users. So far that's just not the case and we all know it. I'm being realistic, I'll reserve my accolades and even the slightest confident in Rory, when I can recover the masses losses from early investment.