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08/17/21 10:01 PM

#4447 RE: TheShadow #4446

I Blame Canada

We have one negative here, a late filing.
Well whoopiedo!!!
Like that's never happened in the history of all Markets!
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08/18/21 6:01 AM

#4449 RE: TheShadow #4446

Yeah, let's see how often "Frank Holmes" gets HIVE into the discussion shall we?

We have one negative here, a late filing.
Well whoopiedo!!!
Like that's never happened in the history of all Markets!

No, you're wrong it has happened, twice before. Annual Reports for the last three years have been 2 months late.

So it's three years in a row for HIVE. I question the evaluation process for NASDAQ to accept HIVE's solicitation after delinquent financial filings for THREE,3, years in a row.

Let "Frank Holmes" stick to his US Global Funds and leave the tough stuff, like Crypto, Blockchain, Reporting on time to someone more qualified?

Gee, does US Global Funds operate internationally? Do they file on time financials?

"Frank Holmes" must go. and please let the door hit him in the ass on the way out after totally screwing up HIVE.
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08/19/21 5:46 AM

#4455 RE: TheShadow #4446

What an absolutely embarrassing performance by incompetent, hero worshipping "CEO" and an insult to HIVE investors.

Obviously no one here watched, or did and was equally disappointed to hear our CEO "Frank Holmes" pump MicroStrategy enough so not to feel the need to comment.

What a clownish arse kissing buffoon. If "Frank Holmes" had been wearing lipstick, Saylor's arse would have been coated in red, top to bottom, side to side.

Saylor looked like he would rather have been in, oh, a million other places than doing that pointless chat.

All Saylor wanted to do was talk about Bitcoin, Bitcoin, and only Bitcoin. He is not at all interested in any other form of Cryptocurrencies and said so, in fact he does not consider Bitcoin a Cryptocurrency, rather a Crypto Asset.

Saylor appeared bored out of his gourd and never even acknowledged the presence of The Lying "Frank Holmes."

But Lying "Frank Holmes" all decked out with rah-rah shirt and wearing a baseball cap and that stupid shite-eating grin plastered on his face went out of his way to kiss the ring, hand, arse, of Saylor trying over and over to somehow get Saylor to say something nice, or simply mention the names HIVE and/Ethereum.

When Dickweed was asked about Crypto Miners he talked about HIVE but cautioned that it is a very volatile investment then went on to pump MicroStrategy as the place to invest in Bitcoin because of the strong leadership of its CEO. It was hard to watch. Later during a segment on gold as an asset Frankie Boy says, ". . . and I'd like to ask Mike a question, blah, blah, blah," then cut to Michael Saylor, whoops, he wasn't even listening and had to be asked the question again by the HIVE employed moderator.

Frankie Boy tried and tried to get Saylor to say something nice about HIVE, Ethereum, Miners but Saylor was having none of it.

At one point 39:30 of the chat, "Frank Holmes" actually said that HIVE is the most profitable crypto miner. Say what? Tell me more Frankie Boy.
No charts, graphs, numbers, nothing to back up the statement, well then let's go to the Annual Report for some data . . . oh yeah, there is no Annual Report.

Overall it was an embarrassing cringe worthy event not worth the hour I spent, rather wasted, listening to.

In the end the take away? Gold and Bitcoin are good assets and investors should look to GOAU and MicroStrategy for Gold and Bitcoin respectively.

Saylor, surely be design, never once mentioned any other form of Cryptocurrency because he doesn't believe in anything other than Bitcoin.

Frankie "The Fool" Holmes was left with egg all over his face being totally outclassed by someone far more intelligent than he.

Even the HIVE Sock Puppet Moderator could not get Saylor to acknowledge HIVE, Ethereum, and shockingly not even to acknowledge the "other" guy in any way shape or form.

It is customary during these affairs for oe CEO to tout the efforts of the other or at the very least to say the "other guy's" name. Saylor probably doesn't even know who the idiot with the cap and shite-eating grin was.

So MicroStrategy got a nice endorsement from OUR CEO. Isn't that great.

You think I'm telling stories here? Yeah, go have a listen and tell me where I am not relaying what went on.