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08/16/21 4:50 PM

#350822 RE: onecardchuck #350815

I think there is a little FUD in that article and while they said MO was seen to decrease cholesterol and triglycerides they claim the data indictees MO may cause inflammation. So now the Chief Fudster will write articles that chronic use of MO causes inflammation and the reason why Reduce it was successful. Give him a couple of weeks and let’s see if the FUD flies.


08/18/21 2:39 PM

#351214 RE: onecardchuck #350815

Did you actually read the whole article? It's an outright total bash on R-IT results, says MO is why the placebo group did poorly in comparison - what the fuck does Nissen and AZN have to gain by constantly trying to discredit R-IT and V? This does NOT smell right! It's more than a personal vendetta from Nissen, it's a coordinated effort - who benefits? Nobody. And why the hell are there > 200 new post in the last 18 hrs? .