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08/11/21 2:47 AM

#369844 RE: farrell90 #369843

More work for Brilacidin. Hopefully, B can fix the Marburg pathogen.
Another animal to animal transmission unlike small pox; can cause big problems if this turns into a contagion.

A West Africa man has died after contracting the Marburg virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the man's death on
August 9 and said the "highly infectious disease" has the potential to "spread far and wide." This marks the first time the Marburg virus has ever been detected in Guinea, per the WHO.
According to the WHO, the man visited a local clinic to seek treatment, but his condition deteriorated quickly before his death. Researchers at Guinea's national hemorrhagic fever laboratory and the Institute Pasteur
in Senegal have confirmed the man's Marburg virus diagnosis. The WHO said the virus can be passed to people from fruit bats and is transmitted from one person to another through surfaces and bodily fluids.


08/11/21 5:10 AM

#369845 RE: farrell90 #369843

Let’s pray B comes to the Worlds rescue.


08/11/21 9:36 AM

#369879 RE: farrell90 #369843

No worries, TheDane says Delta Variant is waning.


08/11/21 9:43 AM

#369885 RE: farrell90 #369843



08/11/21 1:37 PM

#369963 RE: farrell90 #369843

Thanks, Farrell, as always. Much appreciate the expertise and honesty. We are very lucky to have you around here, for sure.