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08/04/21 8:52 AM

#181451 RE: yeag1717 #181447

Sadly, this about sums it up.

Unfortunately it took me a couple years to realize that Rory is simply a used card salesman. He will lie and fabricate whatever will hopefully raise the pps and deflect from the actual performance of company. He’s in this to make money for himself and will do so by any means necessary especially if he continually gets praise inflating his gigantic ego. At this point he’s sitting on $10M plus in stock value. He’s winning. That’s a lot of cash for zero proven performance as a CEO of a publicly traded company that has decimated all long term shareholders up to this point. I’m sure he would be Ecstatic if someone or entity offered $250M for the company at this point. That would be hell of a payday for him and this pipe dream of a billion dollar SAAS company unable to generate $3M a quarter with supposedly 2 plus million users.


08/04/21 8:55 AM

#181452 RE: yeag1717 #181447

You might want to do a little DD on Rory. He has been
Extremely successful before And will not stop until he turns
This company into what he says He will. He is building a very
Strong foundation and when The time comes, you will see
VERB soar.