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Wayne R

08/01/21 12:50 PM

#280644 RE: SSP #280643

I'll be done with it by the end of the week. As I said, it is dated, but the rules still apply.

Sort of like "all stocks are shit" philosophy, never gets old

Wayne R

08/01/21 1:15 PM

#280645 RE: SSP #280643

There is a story behind how I got that book. (yes I know, Wayne always has a story...)

Anyway, here it is,
In Nov 1999 I got an apparent bronchitis, heal with antibiotics, perhaps.

January 2000 I was down with pneumonia, antibiotics cured it up.

March 2000, a Sunday, I'm coughing up blood, another pneumonia and ended up in hospital. Worst experience of my life. There were no available beds, I was stationed on a gurney outside the nurses station. I guess they figured I might kick off at any minute and wanted to watch. Their damned phones rang at all hours, waking me up every 15 mins. Impossible to sleeps. The WORST was the intravenous antibiotics. 2 seconds after they started them my whole arm was on fire and in pain. Seriously, I felt like asking them to stop the torture and just kill me now.

Anyway, back to the book. My sister sent it to me when I was in the hospital. Somewhere between the torture and the sleep deprivation, I read most of it.

Got out of the hospital and told everyone I was taking out most of the cash sitting in my account, yet leaving open positions. The market had been too hot and I didn't want to be tempted to use any of it.

The market went to shit after that and a bunch of people thanked me for the idea.

I think it was that book that made the decision for me.