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07/30/21 7:44 AM

#215666 RE: handsomehank #215665

Eontec is already a world class manufacturing operation and along with yihao has already been vetted and approved by the likes of vw, Tesla, TRW, Geely, thyssen Krupp, etc. in addition, eontec has partnered with the likes of catl—the two have invested millions together for future projects. Visser wasn’t even in the same ballpark! Visser was no where near eontec in capacity, supply chain, or experience. You seriously can’t compare them and say they are even remotely similar.

You should really read this eontec doc—link below—(and then factor in covid to the timeline) and you’ll be more educated about eontec, the Liquidmetal opportunity, investment by eontec, and the forecast for Liquidmetal going forward. The entire time you read it remember that Liquidmetal has written rights, blessed by Apple, for Europe and North America. It’s called the PLA.

Finally, recall the recent major increase of investments in debt securities 2020 (3Q 2020), the changing of the 10k wording regarding Apple and consumer electronics (4Q 2020), and the $30,000,000 exchange rate fluctuation doc (2021).

Everything I have provided you here is FACT based on real documents directly from eontec or Liquidmetal. They all point to a whale being landed. And the link proves REAL investment into manufacturing capacity with a real timeframe that (due to covid) is current and viable for manufacturing capacity to support a whale.

The whale is Apple (10k wording change, $30M exchange rate doc). The time is now. September is when.

The fact that Lugee ponied up $63,000,000 of his personal money into Liquidmetal is irrefutable too.

The stock price will reflect it soon. This is what the facts (based on real documents, not opinion) say. It’s not a matter of “if” it’s a matter of “when”.

Now for some opinion: Go back and listen to the ashm recording on YouTube. Bromage really stumbled on the Apple question and ended the call IMMEDIATELY afterwards…he was scared he would divulge too much! He was literally stuttering and stammering to answer the question without violating apples NDA requirements.

More opinion: the ceo change is because of Apple too. The company can now support a ceo salary. Li did the same thing with his other companies—he was in charge until they were able to stand alone, then he assigned responsibility to a key person.

Yes the stock price is low now. It won’t be for long. Too many real occurrences backed by real money have happened recently.

Up until now, the manufacturing capacity wasn’t real. Now it is. It is viable now. The flow of money to invest in this level of capacity further validates it.