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07/29/21 3:54 PM

#323513 RE: McMagyar #323507

My primary point is Annovis data is weak at best. Their higher end data is biomarker related. They need a longer study. More patients. Placebo.

To choose between Annovis and Cassava is a no brained. SAVA it is.

To choose between Annovis, Cassava, and Anavex, it’s Anavex all day. Quite indisputable. If for some reason Anavex did poorly in their 2b/3 I’d be reallocating to CRTX or SAVA. ANVS is on the back burner.

Note: I have no position in ANVS, SAVA, or CRTX. I only have stake in Anavex. I have nothing to gain from announcing ANVS data as substandard. I also have nothing to gain from being honest about SAVAs promising data. Being factual is most important to me and my line of work. With that said, Anavex still has the holder hand here.