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07/29/21 7:09 AM

#348386 RE: biopa #348383

Biopa, Agree. The thing is this virus will continue to mutate especially
in those parts of the world where vaccines are inferior or non-existent.
That might result in changes that are more difficult to develop new
vaccines that will be effective against those future variants. Think
of it like an escalating arms race. Will Vascepa end up playing a role?
Even if it is protective the medical powers that be might ignore it.
For example when one looks over studies done regarding Vitamin D some
conclude it is protective yet some medical authorities claim it is not.
Dr. Gottlieb only seems to talk about vaccines. Geez, I wonder why that
is? Does his position at Pfizer have something to do with that? What
I fear regarding Amarin is that they have zero political clout. If
Pfizer owned them would Dr. Gottlieb be talking about Vascepa?


07/29/21 7:18 AM

#348387 RE: biopa #348383

anyone not vaccinated is a mutation threat. No telling who the next mutation attacks. You don't get it. Stop the virus now or deal with millions of deaths for years.

Haven't you received the memo? The talking points have changed. Fauci now says that the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated are the same. Have a listen:

It's not about you, It's about all of US.

Got it. Can we now retire the "my body, my choice" slogan?