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07/27/21 10:04 AM

#98876 RE: bowlfan912 #98875

The whole OTC for the most part has collapsed since February. If you didn’t ounces due diligence you wouldn’t call it a scam


07/27/21 10:36 AM

#98877 RE: bowlfan912 #98875

In 2020, many stocks ran hard in the OTC. In January 2021, several Capital funds took massive losses from the Reddit group, amongst other reasons.
In mid to late February, several “new to the OTC MM’s” moved into the OTC and started using their AI to help the Capital funds make massive profits from shorting these stocks.
Billions have been made for them in the last 5 months or so from the relentless pounding.
The negative attacks on stock boards have ramped up during this period as well, as I’m sure people have noticed. And it works, especially when the companies are under attack all day every day by shorts. Hit pieces have been written, every company’s public details are twisted to fit their narrative.
All we can really do is wait it out, wait for the big catalysts, and take profits when we can. Because when HMBL and others run again, they will again enter into a slow period and be attacked in the same way, and dip in price.
Patience. And know what you own.