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07/21/21 3:31 PM

#119540 RE: dubz25 #119539

Bruh I think you are choosing to misunderstand the situation here AXXAs website hadn’t been updated in so long and the moment I reach out to their cfo and find out he doesn’t work there they update it? Who’s been doing their financials for the past two years? Why is the CEO a nonexistent person? He doesn’t even have a prior career track and he works in fintech? Look at their mission on the website what does a furniture store have to do with anything? Boris also said in his convo with another investor that 1Myle isn’t operational and they have a lot of fixing to do why haven’t they shares this with everyone? They’ve been making it seem like 1Myle is operational which is not the case at all… what happened to pepper the robot? SoftBank? The heating paint that they claimed to have? You are choosing to blindly trust this company when in reality they have provided you with nothing but hearsay


07/21/21 3:33 PM

#119541 RE: dubz25 #119539

Also your company has nothing to do with axxa being a scam neither does your experience.. they are claiming to be a multi million dollar company and Boris or whoever is behind that Twitter since we never met the man/woman is swearing at investors can’t spell a single thing or form sentences like that ain’t right and we all know it so unprofessional and you can make any excuses you want but my arguments are backed up by images and actual dd not wishful thinking and extrapolated data from personal experience ya feel me?