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07/17/21 9:34 AM

#393 RE: againstallodds #392

more importantly, who paid for all these separate companies that grant seems to always try and retain ownership. all of these separate side deals do nothing but erode the value of instadose in my opinion.

on a separate topic, I heard from a friend of mine who lives in bahamas where grant has been living. He told me that grant was hobnobbing with the elite and wealthy, promoting instadose as the most YUGE cannibis company in the world. He thinks Grant took a lot of money in the bahamas as well. But now that news of grants charges are making its way around the island, the private clubs he has been going to are preparing letters to ban him. Oh Oh.

Big Brother

07/17/21 10:53 AM

#394 RE: againstallodds #392

I don't know, could be TMIG, or Instadose, or perhaps private farmers....not entirely sure. There is not much info on TMIG out there beyond them being an affiliate company to Instadose, with Grant as the majority shareholder.

Seems like a wholly owned Instadose subsidiary would be better, and less confusing, given that all the licenses, contracts, etc are in their name. However, maybe that is the case now, given that it seems rather clear to me, that the deal where he was going to spin that off into a separate public company back in Jan 2020 was obviously terminated.