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07/14/21 10:27 AM

#174456 RE: misiu143 #174431

Fantastic info, Dr M, thanks!

And that video of the young woman with Long Hauler's proves once again, this time with intimate force, how simply pathetic the FDA has been.

The FDA approved lousy drugs with bad side effects for no other apparent reason than to make money for Big Pharmaceutical companies.

They mocked or ignored the impressive efficacy and safety of ivermectin and HCQ/Zinc because, apparently, there's insufficient profit margin for the BP's.

They supported useless mask mandates and economic/school shutdowns which devastated families and businesses and lives.

They have pushed potentially dangerous and lethal high-profit "vaccines" that only raise the Absolute Risk Reduction by 0.3% - 1% for a virus that more than 99% of the general population survives.

And now, Long-haulers can't get the only drug that helps them live???

EVERYTHING the FDA has done in this pandemic has been stupid and wrong and continues to be stupid and wrong. And Nadar is the bad guy?


Evil Rabbit

07/14/21 10:40 AM

#174458 RE: misiu143 #174431

Yet some 13D supporters are claiming NP made up the story about Pestell’s worthless prostate test.

Quite frankly, I got tired of hearing Pestell talk about it in every video appearance. He always seemed so smarmy and arrogant.

Just another 13D lie that NP made up the story.


07/14/21 12:30 PM

#174471 RE: misiu143 #174431

misiu 143… Excellent post..!!!!

Exactly as you stated..AT THAT TIME..!!!


07/14/21 8:27 PM

#174496 RE: misiu143 #174431

Instead of help for long Haulers and folks with severe/critical Covid, BP bundles together (My Opinion) the 13d group to try and take over the leadership of CytoDyn >>> probably to strike a very favorable deal for the members of BP involved.

The GOAL - to gain control of Leronlimab! Meanwhile the FDA sits on the sidelines as people suffer.

That poor suffering girl could be my grand-daughter, your sister, your niece, neighbor, friend...but who cares? The FDA? BP? 13d?

Well I have a little unwelcome news for you - Yes, this time around YOU are protected from severe/critical Covid-19 by the vaccinations. You generally only get mild cases BUT those mild cases also means your body has been exposed internally to the virus and now may make you a future candidate for Long Haulers.

Yes, the next video could be YOU crying, pleading for help as well, while the "sharks" stand by trying to figure out how to make a buck off your misery.

Great Post Misiu143


07/14/21 9:21 PM

#174499 RE: misiu143 #174431

“He was paid for nothing ..and now he want to take over our company.”

If we combine NP’s salary over the past 11 years with the settlements CYDY has had to payout for his mistakes, he’s cost CYDY over $45 million or so. That’s a ridiculous amount for basically nothing.