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10/28/03 11:15 AM

#15330 RE: Bluefang #15325

The problem Bluefang is it's your problem
not Wave's.....

If Wave's ETS was substandard do you really think...

1.Intel would deploy it as standard for their Secure MB
2.It would be certified by HP for their TPM software.
3.It would be certified by IBM for their TPM software.
4.It would be deployed as standard for NSM TPM's.
5.Infineon would promote it as a Top Product.
6.It would be certified on Atmel TPM's.

Sure all the above is Screaming substandard software,
that's your!

"The problem for many here, is that you can just not handle the possibility, the possibility mind you, that Wave's product might be substandard. I'm not saying it is. But, I'd sure like to see a little excitement and buzz emanating from its arrival in the marketplace. Unfortunately, I do consider all the possibilities, even the unthinkable."


10/28/03 11:29 AM

#15331 RE: Bluefang #15325

Bluefang: I don't think it's product-related...

so much as a credibility thing. Anybody who follows stocks in the space WAVX inhabits knows by now that this is a family-operated company that is poorly managed and given to issuing PRs at the drop of a hat. You have a CEO who defended the "makability" of a $20 million revenue projection in the seventh month of a year in which it fell 95% short of that number. You have a company who "launches" things like the Envoy, that never see the light of day. You have management spending $7 million to buy an internet portal in order to obtain "talent" in the midst of a crashing technology market awash in cheap "talent". You have $10 million deals with garment-industry sharks that never result in a dime of real income. You have joint ventures with folks who line their hats with tin foil. You have a need for a new CEO in the only subsidiary of the company and, amazingly, the best person in the technology world for the post happens to have the same last name as the other CEO. No, Blue, it's not about the product at this point. It's that the rest of the world is more than a little leery of this group. I think the watchword going forward, frankly, is gonna be: SHOW ME THE MONEY!


10/28/03 11:33 AM

#15333 RE: Bluefang #15325


I don't understand your thinking. Suppose some companies are using Wave's products now (in beta) and think this is working really well -- lets purchase a licnese for 20,000 seats. IT professionals do this all the time. It is a stretch for that person to say, let me check out the stock price of this company. It is a further stretch to have this person say 9 my god only a $150 million market cap / I better get in now). And finally suppose they did all of this and our IT guy buys $75,000 of stock or 25,000 shares. Wave has traded millions of shares over the past months -- how would the price move. Does the fact it tripled and now stabilized suggest some buying and holding. And the betas are just happening. It is not as if the entire Fortune 500 list is actively salivating over Wave's products right now - it will take time. I just think you are expecting too much too quickly.

Why isn't Geron trading at 10,000. There is a reasoinable probability that their IP will lead not only to a cure for cancer, an ability to support all organ transplants but if they stretch a bit, immortality. Even they only go up in starts and peole are waiting.


10/28/03 12:01 PM

#15345 RE: Bluefang #15325

Bluefang: I think the market is in the long term -- almost by definition -- infallible. What I ascribed to you was the seeming belief that its infallibility operates in the very short term -- like the one-month period you've recently used as a basis for some serious declarations.

Best wishes,


10/28/03 12:22 PM

#15351 RE: Bluefang #15325

Bluefang -- i don't think "Wave's product might be substandard"; however, the key (most essential) factor in my opinion is, HOW "Wave's product" IS VALUED RELATIVE TO RELATIVE TO THE NUMEROUS COMPONANTS EMPLOYED IN THE TCG FRAMEWORK.


10/28/03 1:05 PM

#15364 RE: Bluefang #15325

Bluefang - your problem is that you make assumptions and then proceed to treat them as facts. You 'assume' that people will act in a certain way and then when they do not you claim that that 'proves' that your next 'assumption' is correct. I think you need a good course in logic.