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06/30/21 4:29 PM

#324126 RE: RMEG #324123

New/Old/Same Rog: 'I will work for free for the next year.''

Rogerinocchio (control block owner): 'We can't afford that. Buh-bye!'

Nothing about this OBVIOUS SCAM ever comes close to meeting the smell test.

It is a pennyscam CONstructed entirely of steer manure. And lies styled as forward-looking statements.

It is a blatant insider-enrichment share-printing stock-distribution dilution scam.

___________Ben has done such a wunnerful yobb as cash flow bind and Accounts UnPayable CFO, why nott make him acting CEO-half too. Yett Another Genius Miss Management Move. ________Ben, the dude who cannot find the missing mail and unpaid bills he stashed unopened in various drawers and wastepaper baskets, still unfound by the sniffer dogs.

All of the AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ CEOs are just acting - putting on an act.

The Clownshow - now featuring no audit timeline whatsoever

The co-CEOs work on the annual bullshit report (UNAUDITED)