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06/30/21 1:49 PM

#56964 RE: masterofdisaster #56962

100% fact they’ll drag this out so the crooks can get covered and then fine them a couple thousand dollars.


06/30/21 2:03 PM

#56968 RE: masterofdisaster #56962

You are very correct about the SEC having a bad history of enforcement. Hopefully they will grow a set and enforce the new rules after all the new rules become posted and have a short accommodation/implementation time. I would really like to see a new rule making penalties equivalent to the amount of money made with the crime and those funds remain the property of SEC enforcement division. That would actually serve as a determent to future misbehavior and give the enforcement division the funds to adequately monitor the markets.

"These new "rules" are meaningless. The SEC sucks and does nothing to enforce"


06/30/21 2:41 PM

#56983 RE: masterofdisaster #56962

I guess the SEC rules are similar to the border. It's illegal for people to enter but the politicians allow, encourage and even assist the process. Once illegals arrive our government spends tax $$ to transport them to various places inside our country, rather than spend $$ on enforcement of the laws. The politicians find reasons NOT to enforce the law, including Gov of TX. He says it would be illegal to put National Guard on border - it's also illegal for government NOT to enforce the law. The laws including those in the markets need to be enforced by the SEC. Otherwise, defund the SEC if they aren't doing their job and allowing rape and murder (figuratively) in the markets.