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06/23/21 10:28 AM

#4 RE: OldAIMGuy #3

July, 2002

A Haiku web site
of every idea so far.
Should help your design.

Hot Summer makes weak
the investors' will to buy
when reason says spend.

Techs fall, Reit stock rise;
All trends revert to the mean.
It is nature's way.

The cliff beckons them.
They prepare the perfect dive.
No water below.

Fire the Bar-B
Tender Lemming on the way.
Hungry Pros await.

The sea lies waiting
Lemmings hasten towards it
Stocks overtake them

Market down today.
Yesterday it did go up.
Tomorrow? Who knows.

Oops, a surprise jump!
The market timer misses
his buy point again.

Money grows on trees
Shrivels with the autumn leaves
Springtime rally please!

When the market tanks
The Wise cry of doom and woe
A Fool is patient

When the market tanks
The Wise cry of doom and woe
AIMers are patient

(TooFuzzy altered the one above as he thought it more appropriate for AIM users!)

Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl's
Kmart, Sears, Penny's, and Gap
Portfolio crap