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06/22/21 12:18 PM

#660511 RE: johnlconfer #660509


ANd aint it just a kowinkidink that AYA is wanting to ask questions of BOTH THE TRUST and COOP...............

And all are so upset and THE TRUST and COOP appear to be PANICKED and NOT WANTING TO ANSWER any questions IN COURT and UNDER OATH do they?.

Oh well WHO KNOWS, they just might end up answering them anyway, or at least MORDI has alluded to the fact they MAY STILL BE IN possible HOT WATER via AYA's options left at her avail..................................

Something stinks here and questions NEED TO BE ASKED and answered and UNDER OATH!!!! Like where did all of your servicing portfolio come from and who placed it there and to WHOM does it belong?