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06/17/21 10:21 PM

#315435 RE: sokol #315434

Thank you for these follow on comments - spot on, imo.

For clarification, I never suggested that the FDA acted selflessly, only that they were now able to capitalize on the “bribe money” or “pay offs” or “kick backs” which they never succumbed to with any of the previous plaque attack drugs.

I believe that I specifically stated that the FDA was now free to get their “take” for approving a reprehensible drug as long as they did it out in the open to demonstrate the wholesale graft and rule bending that it would take - regardless of how unseemly, simply because they knew that another drug and possibly others will follow which actually have merit in the fight against Alz. The game board is open for all the useful drugs which may come along as the old guard will not be heard from again.

I believe that was misconstrued due to lack of sufficient assiduity in keeping one’s eye on the ball.

…and in that sleep of death what dreams may come, ay, there’s the rub…

I think the rub came from “dreams” of what I postulated, as opposed to reality.

Equal esteem for the insightful posts you always contribute - thank you for your time.



06/17/21 10:25 PM

#315436 RE: sokol #315434

Anavex and Ariana Pharma

We explore deeper to find the best biomarkers
Our KEM® platform is the only FDA-tested technology that explores the entire combinatorial space, and guides you to the most cost-effective biomarkers

We look closer to maximize clinical trial success rates
Our FDA-tested KEM® technology helps secure product approval .

We discover more with KEM®
KEM®, our Artificial Intelligence, finds hidden signals and complex relationships that conventional statistical analyses miss.

We Fast-track your clinical trials
We identify best Responders and optimal Endpoints.

Precision Medicine

KEM Services: we have a track record of helping clients increase value of their clinical assets

Design clinical protocols to include Precision Medicine

Collect samples and generate omic data (DNA, RNA, Micro biota)

Use our KEM® Artificial Intelligence platform to perform combined analysis and patient stratification

best responders,
best companion biomarkers,
best drug combinations,
best end-points

Define a regulatory strategy and present to the FDA

Good luck and GOD bless,