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06/16/21 5:58 PM

#384866 RE: biosectinvestor #384863

NWBO management is good at shutting down accountability by starving shareholders of information just like a fire is starved of oxygen.

Almost any criticism can be rebutted by "We don't know what they know" and I believe this rebuttal is invalid because it is generally NWBO that prevents us from knowing more than a small fraction of what they know.

It is almost like Enron where people including seasoned analysts had to take on faith that nothing illegal was going on despite the profit increases year over year being suspicious because after all, how could such a big company with so many respected people involved be a scam? Don't they know they would face serious charges and are going to get caught? That must mean everything is being done legally and the lack of transparency is required to protect their competitive advantage. Naturally the few analysts who initially had issues were attacked and sidelined.

We should not have to wait to find out when TLD is released, especially since management gets to control the timetable for TLD (they tacked on the article not the FDA for example).

Now maybe side from a blip on the management's team's resume the parallels are irrelevant. They probably are since NWBO is not pretending to make profits as Enron pretended (we were just discussing NWBO's telling us they will not make money in the near future from sales of products after all).

But I do not believe that management can create an information blackout and then get to use it or for anyone else to get to use as the answer to any concerns.