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Mister Silver

06/14/21 8:24 PM

#2872 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #2871

Yeah, that's me he's replying to.

I am long in the company, I believe in the company, but I also believe there is insider trading occurring.

I've attached an image of insider activity showcasing between 2M and 3M shares being purchased by an insider on 6/11/2021.

(You can confirm this by using your own brokers 'insider activity' tab)

You will notice he actually does take the time to respond, a lot of the time. He also called me a liar 3 times in one post. Wouldn't you think he'd at least investigate first? How could he possibly know within the time span it took him to respond?

The simple answer is this; believe what you want, the guy calling me a liar, or the guy providing data.

While the biggest factor is the insider buying on 6/11, it is not the only factor. Remember; they are currently in a quiet period, and have failed to release financials on time, even with a NT 10-Q filed on 2021-05-17

If you look at the S-1 filed in May, go to the risk factors section.(Filed as 'IPO Investment Prospectus' on 2021-05-12 19:21:34)

Now go back and look at risk factors in previous Form 424B4 Todos Medical Ltd. Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(4)] The same risk factors can be found, except they are better explained. Specifically of note; They discuss 2019's audit as being the audit they are referring to in the risk factor later found in the S-1 (IPO Investment Prospectus filed 5/12/2021).

They copy pasted old information into the new IPO, and removed all relevant data relating to the reasons for the risk factors.

This factored in with substantial business being reported in early 2021, enough to pay millions for Provista (Todos Medical Acquires Provista Diagnostics for $7.5M), makes it seem like the most recent S-1 was of but one attempt to make stock price go down.

Ask yourselves this, Why would they place old risks based on old audits? Why would they remove the explanation for the risks in the current S-1? Why would they withhold financials?

You're going to have to come up with your own answers to those questions. My assumption gained credibility the second they purchased shares during a quiet period.

I do not believe they are displaying old risks without explanation in the new S-1 because they believe those old risks are still applicable (at least not all of the risks).

I do not believe they are withholding financials because it can't be done in a timely manner.

I do believe this is being done for purposes of market manipulation so they can purchase shares in their own company for as cheap as possible (insider trading). I believe they have been successful this past year.

I do believe price will go up.

I could continue, and go over each form with you, but I don't think anyone will listen. Instead I'll put a summary below, along with a graph which will likely be the only thing anyone sees in this entire post...which is, funny.

The filings are publicly available and can be searched for anyone who wants to dive deeper.

Tl;Dr - $TOMDF is likely doing really well. Price will likely go up. There is likely market manipulation and insider trading occurring as well.

The chart below shows buys during a quiet period where insiders have information the average investor does not; which is the tip of the iceberg.

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Mister Silver

06/14/21 9:03 PM

#2873 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #2871

...and now that I've replied with overwhelming amount of factual information.

I'd like to address him taking the time to call me a liar, but not taking the time to address the charts I also tweeted at him.

I've not attacked his character, Gerald has attacked mine.

I've not argued over whether or not I am lying, I backed my statements up with facts; SEC filings, insider activity charts, and where to find the information I quoted.

I do not like being targeted as I have been, and I knew before I posted it, that I would be for bringing it up.


Yet when others attacked me and my character, I didn't attack them back. I stood my ground and offered more data.

I completely understand why they would want to attack me; because they feel threatened by me bringing this to light. They don't want additional 'risk' to their investment.

Some additional concerns being addressed below:

Some have claimed that the spike in price was related to 'shorts covering'. As I'm sure most of you know, as of 05/28/2021, there are only 58,798 shares short.

That's nowhere near the millions of shares purchased on Friday, and further those millions of shares correlate with the insider activity chart showcasing between 2 and 3 million shares purchased by insiders.

Some have claimed I'm a fool, a liar, that I am self-righteous, and worse.


Consider that I am not attacking others back for targeting me. Rather, I am standing my ground, as I'm confident in my position and data analysis.

Some believe I am a bear. That's not true. I have approximately 75,000 shares with a cost basis of around 0.032 per share. (Pic below).

The ultimate irony? My post alludes to my belief that the stock price will be going up significantly.

Here is my position as of 6/14/2021.

Good luck to you all! Please do not harass me if you see me on other platforms; it hurts my feelings.

(If position doesn't show, you can find it here )