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06/13/21 3:45 PM

#68067 RE: OTCShotCaller #68065

100% Agreed.


06/13/21 4:19 PM

#68080 RE: OTCShotCaller #68065

Octshot.. great dd post & keep it coming .. real talk


06/13/21 4:21 PM

#68081 RE: OTCShotCaller #68065

Great article you wrote there OTCSC. Totally think you are right.


06/13/21 4:25 PM

#68082 RE: OTCShotCaller #68065

What a powerhouse post. Thank You!


06/13/21 4:51 PM

#68085 RE: OTCShotCaller #68065

Just curious if you wouldn’t mind elaborating as to why RGBP has more going for it than ENZC? Why was ENZC at a disadvantage based on RGBP? Please compare the two companies as to why we saw such instant returns with ENZC if it had less going for it than RGBP? I want to believe. I really do and likely I will average down starting this week, I’ve just lost a lot of money on this already, well not really as I haven’t sold but still.


06/14/21 11:01 AM

#68240 RE: OTCShotCaller #68065

In Anticipation of Going Pink Current....

...RGBP is starting its limb just like ENZC did in Mid-November 2020.

ENZC History Recap

On Nov 24th it hit 0.04 (UP from 0.0132 Nov 2nd).

Then on Dec 1st it hit 0.11.

Subsequently, on Jan 13, 2021, 29 trading days later it went Pink Current with a PPS of 0.125 thereby opening the doors WIDE to be traded on multiple platforms.

Then as a result of that,Ten (10) trading days later it more than DOUBLED and hit 0.2650 based entirely on going Pink Current (no news, no patent licensing, no partnerships, no nothing).

THEN, only 9 trading days later it EXPLODED TO 0.95!

IMO, we can fully anticipate at least the same if not far better with RGBP due to its Market Position of having (2) active patents licensed to Oncology Pharma (with sub-licensing provisions to Big Pharmas) and already in revenue when that deal became finalized. Then of course are its several other patents currently being revived, and a total of 22 or more patents in its portfolio!

Now sit back and watch the steady PPS climb in anticipation of going PINK CURRENT!!!.....and when it does...PPS EXPLOSION due to broad access to scores of trading platforms, period!


Be well and prosper...