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06/10/21 11:10 AM

#51200 RE: Docsavag #51199 of nature, or laws of economics or laws of karma will get these boys, eventually.....................imo..........

...not to wish DISASTER on China, but they are tough to deal with..................I recall that 60-Minutes segment over 20 years ago, since updated, that showed entire newly-constructed cities in China that were ghost towns.............the gov't won't allow cameras or news........

......I worked with a Chinese phd accounting dude, recently, who was 'affiliated' with the Chinese gov't...............he was paranoid about talking to me.......especially about the Chinese gov't........he did say that the Chinese gov't controlled all aspects of every business, but was so weak on accounting and record-keeping that the economy could BLOW UP someday........?????.......... worries on China.................just put BIG BUCKS and frankie's fudge in my cargo shorts............ASAP............tyvm.............