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05/27/21 9:55 PM

#61827 RE: Djk0689 #61813

Bringing you some more people LOL.


05/28/21 5:49 AM

#61845 RE: Djk0689 #61813

Hello Djk, fantastic DD,

I hope you don't mind that I disclose this DD in some forums in Germany.



05/31/21 11:48 PM

#62379 RE: Djk0689 #61813

Awesome dd. Thanks so much for putting the time and energy in this. It was super helpful. Lets rock!!! Glta.


06/01/21 8:15 AM

#62388 RE: Djk0689 #61813

That's SERIOUS DD..Thx Bro!!!!


06/14/21 12:24 PM

#65903 RE: Djk0689 #61813

Bit confused. The claims are that the buyback has already started, but it seems a bit too speculative.

The numbers presented are trades across every MM. I doubt that PHIL retained every MM to execute a buyback. On top of that, these don't appear to be held shares, only traded ones. I wonder if I pulled up the total volume charts if they would simply be a 1-to-1 match for each respective week and we are simply being mislead. I'm out of my element as I have never attempted to track MM accumulation before, but using the resources provided and reading each page it seems to suggest that the numbers aren't detailing what is being claimed.

Then, in order to confirm that this is probably not accumulation. I simply referenced other OTC stocks in the same tables. companies who have not announced buybacks (and were actually diluting) are also showing billions of volume month over month in the same tables: AABB, HCMC, etc.

I'm pretty sure that the data being referenced has nothing to do with buybacks and is just wishful thinking.

Anyone know any better and can clarify any misconceptions I have of the data?


02/16/22 10:36 AM

#99198 RE: Djk0689 #61813

great dd DJK


01/07/23 12:02 PM

#111834 RE: Djk0689 #61813

All wrong and made up in this house of cards.
With Vinafilms being a prime example.