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05/25/21 8:39 PM

#167823 RE: misiu143 #167820


I sincerely appreciate your effort to address these situations with Dr. Pourhassan. I suspect he realizes a lot is riding on these trials. I hope he looks at your advice and considers it carefully. I hope he also realizes that your comments are not argumentative but totally supportive. You, I, and many others want him to succeed in making Leronlimab accessible for all.

Sometimes, when one is under duress, as Nader is, it's possible to mis-identify who's wearing the "white Hats" (good Guys and gals). I hope he noticed your Very prominent "ten-gallon Texas-style White as white-can-be hat!"

Thank YOU for all you do!

Also I must apologize. I thought BBNCT was the one "meeting with" Sen Clyburn. I didn't realize it was you, thus did not get a chance to send you the background info I developed on Clyburn. Fortunately, I know the dialog was in excellent hands with or without the extra info.

FWIW The CytoDyn bibliography has grown, but I'm hesitant to publish it again. I'm discovering some key pieces of information are now "blocked" and I don't want to give the blockers a "road map" to everything. If you have cause to need it let me know and we'll find a way to "transfer it."

With regards
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05/25/21 8:42 PM

#167824 RE: misiu143 #167820

Misiu143, I wonder if their reasoning was because this particular study centers around the moderate level rather than the S/C group? Perhaps they have data that might suggest that a lesser dose will be sufficient given the level of M/M vs S/C? This also could have a positive affect on production of supply if less is needed for each patient if caught earlier during M/M instead of S/C.

Admittedly, I may be completely off base and if so then I'm okay with being corrected in my thinking. Was just trying to throw something out there to consider.

Regardless, personally, I'd rather have seen 4 doses of 700mg IV while in hospital until discharged, then SC.
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05/25/21 8:44 PM

#167825 RE: misiu143 #167820

Thank you misiu. Would you also mind asking about age restriction?
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05/25/21 10:55 PM

#167839 RE: misiu143 #167820

You might get a better answer from Dr Lakezari