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05/25/21 12:46 AM

#167559 RE: Learning53 #167557

"when the newbies discover "it's not as easy to fix, as it appears from the outside."

right now I am more concerned with--"it's not as easy to fix , as it appears from the inside."


05/25/21 12:48 AM

#167560 RE: Learning53 #167557

And...BP would LOVE to see NP "out of the way." He's a positive thorn in their side and his leronlimab and its following could "tip the punch bowl."

BP wants "business as usual" and the "stir" over leronlimab has the potential to get folks starting to look...

And GOD FORBID ask questions!


Why were certain drugs/treatments ignored or purposely dissed?
Why were others, many useless or darn near useless, foisted on a dying public?
Why did so,so, so, so, many people have to die -drowning slowly, tragically, in their hospital beds?
Over 600,000 dead (so far)
Who's responsible?
Why didn't the regulatory agencies straighten things out?
Why didn't the Congress use their powers to straighten things out?
How come BP spread over 309 million dollars in 2020 to manipulate things?
How did they come up with so much money anyway?

"let's get some Traditional leadership over at Cytodyn. Someone we can work with, someone who wants to deal, someone who won't 'rock the boat.' It's a very bad time for boat rocking."

NP's making waves >>> he cold screw things up for a lot of us.


05/25/21 6:39 AM

#167571 RE: Learning53 #167557

Learning , I am really worry what is happening ..

Things are progressing , slow but they progressing ,
Important things are happening ..

I do believe that Dr NP cares for CYDY as no one else will ..
I do believe that he don’t want to hurt shareholders ..

How strange it is , every scientist starting to work for cydy want us to buy his business , we did that with dr Pestell , he has many of our shares , but what we have to show for it ..

And all fired in the past people want to take over our company now ..and that is good ???

How is that good for us .,???

Company and us the shareholders will be damage by all this ..

As the saying goes ..

“ house divided cannot stand “

All imo ,
and good luck to cydy and present shareholders ..

Grip it and Sip It

05/25/21 7:08 AM

#167574 RE: Learning53 #167557

Been here since 2017. How many more foul ups do you need to see? Two would have been too many, let alone every single indication. Yes, EVERY ONE!

He’s not any of the things you describe. He’s a carnival barker who’s narcissistic behavior and lies put this company where it is. Nobody is colluding against Nader. He’s hired then fired every competent person around him. He sold shares when telling others its $100+, he inked the deal with Fife, he stole the shares and had to replace, he hired Amarex who fouled up the BLA, he was responsible for the trial protocols that failed, he released the PR’s that were misleading to the point the FDA has to bitch-slap him publicly, he’s the one who damaged Cytodyn’s reputation so that nobody will partner, Nader said EUA submission was requested in UK then admitted lying.

This is all Nader! When someone micromanages to such a degree, there is no blame to go around. I understand that if you got into Cytodyn in March 2020, you’re either in the red or close to it. It’s not getting better with Nader at the helm, only worse. This will be back under $2 today without a doubt because again, too much time has passed on the Philippines EUA and purchase order and Brazil has no movement.

Keep the faith- lots of valuable lessons Nader is leaving along the way