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05/20/21 7:42 AM

#265766 RE: Daytime_Lantern #265764

Remember Biel is on a budget, They currently don’t have the marketing dollars to put the Recovery Rx on every major network, unless we have a marketing partner sponsoring and promoting Recovery Rx.

With that said what I do expect to see on the major networks is Don Joys Powered by Actipatch products And KT’s Recovery Wave products.
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05/20/21 9:59 AM

#265773 RE: Daytime_Lantern #265764

Check out the Qs, the money isn't there for marketing, so it's left up
to the OEMs to push the product, which is how it should be!

IMO, big push coming in 2022, right now they are just testing the interest and laying the groundwork, major campaigns take time to develop.
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05/20/21 11:26 AM

#265788 RE: Daytime_Lantern #265764

because its not an over-the-counter product
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05/20/21 4:36 PM

#265804 RE: Daytime_Lantern #265764

Exactly. You don’t even see IG ads on there products. It’s incredible there is literally zero movement coming from BIEL.

Pure BILE.
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05/20/21 4:49 PM

#265808 RE: Daytime_Lantern #265764

When you look at facts it's pretty clear to me Daytime

<<<<<<<<<< Who is responsible for pulling back hard on the reins of all this? >>>>>>>>>

* Major electronic product manufacturers can't get enough electronic components due to the Covid Pandemic Supply Disruption, BIEL is likely in the same situation

"Several factors are driving the crunch, which was initially concentrated in the auto industry. The first is the coronavirus pandemic, which plunged the global economy into recession last year, upending supply chains and changing consumer shopping patterns. Carmakers cut back orders for chips while tech companies, whose products were boosted by lockdown living, snapped up as many as they could."

* KT Tape could only ship 2 Wave devices per CVS store in its opening shipment, KT UK still has the 'Coming Soon' regarding Wave availability, been that way for 2 months

* DonJoy was ahead of KT by a month with On Line sales but still, 6 months later, has not Launched in brick & mortar stores

* SAI Brands was shooting for a mid March Retail Store Launch, it is now late May and no evidence of their ActiPatch Enhanced Products in stores

Those facts add up to the likely situation of not enough components being available to meet the OEM demand for ActiPatch devices.

The OEMs realize that this is a worldwide issue and not just a BIEL issue. They are experiencing the same delays in producing their existing products that have electronics.

IMO as soon as the parts are available BIEL's factory, CICD, will get the backlog of devices produced and the Product Launches will proceed.