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05/19/21 2:42 PM

#379406 RE: VuBru #379405

Well stated!!

And to punctuate your final sentence... "The Waiting"

Every day, you get one more yard, you take it on faith, you take it to the heart... the waiting is the hardest part.

Dr Bala

05/19/21 2:49 PM

#379409 RE: VuBru #379405

Great post. If a CEO doesn't listen to her advisors (in this case, may be the SAB), she wouldn't be a great boss, imo.


05/19/21 3:06 PM

#379413 RE: VuBru #379405

Yes, TLD will be announced when all peer-reviewer comments/questions/requests-for-additional-data have been incorporated to their satisfaction and signed-off by ALL the peer-reviewers, followed by a publication date provided by the journal. We can then expect TLD announcement a day or two before the publication is made available online. Patience until then.

The fact that they extended the warrants by just one month indicates that it's probably a week-to-week wait for journal acceptance for LP.