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05/13/21 10:20 AM

#52244 RE: JoeBert #52240

Define what does "early" mean without a date being given?
Imo, its either filed by the 15th or its not.

Lots of anticipation, so if there's an NT to make sure its ready...they know people will dump, which is dumb, but this is the OTC.
I'll be happy to grab more, so please submit an NT, hehe.


05/13/21 10:21 AM

#52246 RE: JoeBert #52240

lmao im just saying man. chill. if BYOC wants to separate itself from the rest of the OCT then they don't need to lead on investors. plain and simple. You can so what you want, but at the end of the day that video he posted made a lot of people believe it would be coming out a lot sooner than later. BYOC is a great company but I was just posting many peoples thoughts let alone mine. It sucks that it happens but in the end the filing should be a great surprise I hope no matter what!