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05/13/21 11:35 PM

#7551 RE: WOW23P #7543

Plasma Shortage In India, Habib Yunus Helping-Hand?

IT PAYS to monitor Software fIUSIOn helping-hands, while COVID-19 and variants get out-of-hand world-wide, in places like India.

Habib Yunus, Houston, TX., former CFO of Payment Data Systems (PYDS) San Antonio, Texas, now called USIO, could lend a hand, while COVID-19 & variants go viral in India, [IF] he was called upon for help.

Texas Billserv/Payserv Software Fusioneers, can be traced to the year 1998, when "LA" Hoch & Co., built & operated a Billserv multi-lingual Call-Center, catering to non-banked Hispanics, non-profit orgs & others.

There's not enough plasma for India. Could PAYS provide a helping-hand?

USA plasma fUSIOn, during a world-wide COVID-19 variant pandemic war??

IT PAYS to develop & deploy, 21st. Century plasma smart-card feedback.

USIO/eVisit feedback for India, C.D.C., W.H.O.? I swapped PAYS for USIO