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05/09/21 2:05 PM

#58752 RE: stockrockin #58751

Not dividend stock went from .08 to .011 in 15 minutes on A Monday morning symbol is in first post. Bought that day and sold Tuesday.

Will call tomorrow to see if funds are cleared so I can buy more PHIL.

But before I buy I want to make sure I get the shares. You got me thinking about synthetic naked shorts, what about synthetic longs. thats my dilemma now, questioning how many true shares there are.

Yes I know its stated on OTC and they are held by DTC.



05/09/21 2:24 PM

#58754 RE: stockrockin #58751

Sorry if i thru you for a loop.

Agree with what you say and the videos I did watch.

Like you I over think to much as well.



05/09/21 2:29 PM

#58755 RE: stockrockin #58751

From what I am hearing around other stocks are ceo's in the otc are going after them because of the naked short selling and it is destroying everyone...So this has become even more of an issue than prior years...I think after the whole gme and amc it put a spotlight on what they were doing!