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05/04/21 11:15 PM

#185985 RE: janice shell #185984

i think it wood bee funny of Melinda Gates and Laurene Jobs gott married in a same sex wedding. They could both blissfully give away the money their former husbands earned.

And then gunn for a menage a trois with bachelor George Sharp (who would still be required to wash his own socks).

After George wins custodianship battles and acquires Microsoft and Apple.
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05/05/21 6:42 AM

#185992 RE: janice shell #185984

DaSun and I have planned an adventure. In June we will be Amtrekking it ~OUTT to DaUppaMidwess whereupon DaSquaw will drive her painted Appaloosa war ponies a fair drive to pick us up from the Iron Horse stop closest to DaMomInLaw's kolkhoz, whereupon to whence we shall return wiff her. (Itza purty loooong drive.)

DaMomInLaw gott her second Pfizer shott yesterday and even before that she's been a'runnn' down energywise. Hope she holds on until June at least. I sent her some sesame snap treats made in Poland - she is nott eating much and that is a badd sign when you are that old. But she loves sweet treats, so mebbe these will perk her upp. I hope.

I get my second Pfizer infusion.inculcation in a bit more than a weak. And DaSun getts his first ModeRNA shott inna few daze. Hopefully we will all be alive and safe (more or less) by June for Yett Another DaSquaw Fambly Weddink. She has sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many cuzzins and secund cousins and such. Every summer, one or two weddings.

To date even herewith, no divorces. Knotta wun.Hope this one is nott a streak-breaker. Hope DaMomInLaw lasts until then. Itz kinda a bigg deal for the fambly. Every wedding izz. DaMomInLaw is kinda like DaPope of DaFambly. Expected to show upp for every Christmas Midnight Mass. Sprinkle her magic dust and holie wasser on the new cupple. Magic show.

Then off to DaTrough and DaPiggRaces. DaMomInLaw has her half a glass of beer and will get woozy. Everyone else will dance and then ... off to the tractor races (OK, knott really, butt there will be deep complex discussions about the upcoming 2022 John Deere models).

I cain't waite!!! DaSquaw iz planting her garten, so when DaSun and I gett there we will have many fresh vegetables. And gett to see the four wild adult bunnies and the one young bunny InnaDaBackyard maybe.

BTW, many thanx for the owl and squirrel videos. I have forwarded the lynx to DaSquaw. DaSquaw hazz bin 'spearimintin' with makin' treetz for the indoor bunner onna cookie sheet in DaOven. DaIndoorBunner loves the homemade treetz!!! Little cracker-like thingies.

Wun badd thang about the Amtrekking dealio. No WiFi. So DaSun will haff to use BlooToof on his smartphone and his laptop to do his superdupercomputer research (can you bleeve the DOE gives him $10M of superdupercomputer time each year to play with? Krazyness! His werk is evidently sum important stuff - I tole him he should use it to mine Bitcoin. He laffs. Them 'lectron orbital thingies is more funn for him I guess than munny. I 'spose that's right, values-wise. Kinda. Ya, he's an OK dude.)

Me, wiff no WiFi I'll be watching movies, reeding stuff like Grossman and such, lookin ~OUTT DaWindoe (I am told the Obsservation car is currently closed due to COVID, butt who nose by June???) I like observin' - a lott. I tole DaSun that I has awwaze bin a vouyeur even when I wuz anne infant. Mom sed I came ~OUTT and looked around like I was dazed or amazed.

I have alwaze bin amazed at everything in DaWhirled. And DaUniverse(s). Every day is nuffin but amazemunt. This is such a krazy show this life thang. Goofy.

I am lucky to have Moos as my Buddha-like spiritual guide thru life He keeps me focused on the rilly 'portant stuph, like the chocolate mini-donuts he likes.

When you boil it all down, it's all really just buzzy electron orbital quantum shit and electro/magnetic/gravitational fields and particles and sheet. It is all pure kraziness. I, Shirley, don't unnerstann nunait.

He is with~OUTT doubt, unquestionably correct! About all of us. Individually and collectively.