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05/04/21 7:40 PM

#185974 RE: Huggy Bear #185972

I suspect he hasn't looked in every closet yet!!!
Guess he is counting on his frontloading "research team" to do the lookin"!

like he thought RETC only had 2 billion shares than realized it was 8 billion. but that still was wrong as it shows 20 Billion in the SEC filings and Nevada filings. Go figure.

George Sharp
Apr 27
I'm afraid I misspoke here. For some reason, I thought the AS was only 2 bil & then I realized that it is 8 bil. So while it is possible that there is dilution in RETC, the Verified TA's numbers have not increased, so it is doubtful. My guess is that sellers are long time holders
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George Sharp
· Apr 27
Response to questions on dilution in $RETC. This idea is coming from people who are talking out of their ass. There can't be dilution as the company can't issue stock & the verified TA numbers don't support the ability to dilute. There are only 769K restricted shares. Out.


05/04/21 10:37 PM

#185981 RE: Huggy Bear #185972

My opinion is that George is well into the Malignant Narcissist bucket now.

I sense hubris and perhaps an unforeseen (by him) badd ending to all this.

I have never liked him since I first became aware of him, and posted here as such. I intuited from his posts and actions that something was off on this dude and was nott as presented.

He has only gotten worse. Something is ticking in the dude and it is knott good. Keep an eye on him. I sense he is approaching the instability zone in DaFuture. I think that one of his deep prollems is other than simple greed.

I am reminded of the movie Dog Day Afternoon or Stephen Paddock (whose motive we still don't and never will know). I have no idea how it will happen, butt I have a gut (nott good)-level feeling that he will hitt some breakdown point.

Is George old enough to be a Zodiac Killer suspect?