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01/20/07 3:16 PM

#14715 RE: same53 #14714


im a survivor

01/20/07 4:43 PM

#14717 RE: same53 #14714 call me a liar and say I have ruined this board with lies??
LMAO....You sir are a JOKE and should be ashemaed of yourself....

I find it HILARIOUS that you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!! Your little cystal ball that said great news was coming NEVER CAME......In fact, you are LONG and have an AGENDA to see your shares go up and you have PUMPED and TOUTED this SCAM since day 1...and you have been 100% DEAD WRONG and ANYBODY that listened to you, LOST and maybe lost HUGE......NOTHING you have said has come true...NOTHING...Only promises by you that this is such a great company and great things will happen anyday...and NOT ONCE HAVE YOU BEEN CORRECT.

Meanwhile, I hold no position, I have nothing to gain or lose if this goes up or down, so I have NO agenda as you do and you will get UNBIASED opinions from me....and isnt it odd how I have called this pretty much 100% accurate since day 1, while you have gotten ZERO % correct???? All you have done is PUMPED/TOUTED with LIES saying 'great things are going to happen anyday' and you did this repeatedly, and anybody that listened toy uo got BURNED as nothing good ever did happen and all you did was sucker people to buy a POS SCAM with your BLATANT LIES.....Meanwhile, my opinions are unbiased with no hidden agenda and I have called this correct to a T, while you have gotten NOTHING right!!!

So, if you are looking for blatant liars, you need only to look in the mirror. This board was NOT ruined by a poster, me, who posts opinions, with no agenda that actually are TRUE and become factual.....yet pumpers saying great things will happen anyday, when they are full of B.S. and NOTHING good happens...well, I would say that is a huge detriment to the board. How many idiots listened to you and lost??????

In closing, if you wish to point fingers, first point at the company then point at pumpers like yourself that BLATANTLY LIED causing innocent people to lose money....I certainly would NOT be pointing fingers at the person who has NOT lied and who has called this accurately from day 1, and who has no hidden agenda, like yourself, and who has clearly stated DONT LISTEN TO ME OR ANY MESSAGE BOARD POSTER..ONLY LISTEN TO YOURSELF!!!.......

Have a nice life....Good luck with your next scammy pump job!!!