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Tesla thru the roof

05/04/21 11:02 AM

#47358 RE: boston745 #47357

Great list of debunked accidents


05/04/21 12:22 PM

#47380 RE: boston745 #47357

Your list is not growing because you don't want to document the 1000s of supposed SUA / Accidents that according to you are unexplainable, where you claim Tesla cars crashed into objects like trees when there was NO GEOMAGNETIC UNREST.

These are not theories or hypothesis, these are just guesses, assumptions and fabricated stories using fake science that serves no function or purpose.

You originally said

Out of control Teslas predominantly occurs during geomagnetic unrest

Then when you got called out on it you corrected yourself and said they are the " ODD " Tesla accident.

Once again where is your list of of out of control teslas accidents that occurred when there was no geomagnetic unrest?

Remember Correlation is not causation ! just because you documented the odd Tesla accident / during geomagnetic unrest , doesn't mean that the two things correlate ! does not necessarily mean that one causes the other.

No Evidence, No proof, Case closed. Lets move on