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05/03/21 8:31 PM

#28544 RE: sherman106 #28543

Thanks for the Update on GDLNF

I thought Pres Trump made a smart move to try and buy Greenland. It has a lot of mineral wealth.

I believe the time being spent on reviewing NAK is a positive sign, but if the Fed does say no, the Gov. should refuse to accept their decision, since it would obviously be driven by politics. This and many projects currently under review or recently denied by the Federal government have a direct impact on national security.

We may not have been able to expand our nation using railroads, a national highway system, dams, electric power transmission lines, access to lumber, necessary minerals, and probably weapons testing and development needed to win wars and defend the nation.

Sure, ancient tribal claims should be respected, but national security and economics must take precedent over the unique sensitivities of people who have very often demonstrated a sudden willingness to forgo ancient ancestral lands to greedy entrepreneurs and politically charged exchanges.

The governors of all the states should stand strong against Federal actions which impact jobs and the futures of their state's financial interests and especially national security.

The pipeline cancellation of the "Keystone Pipeline" is typical exercise of the "abuse of power" by politicians even when these actions demonstrate a lack of sound economic understanding of the beneficial use of a well designed project needed by Canada, US national interests and the interests of the states impacted by the pipeline.

The action of terminating the Keystone Pipeline, after years of negotiations, engineering and environmental studies, environmental and understanding the importance to national security as well as that of Canada, demonstrates where their obvious disdain for common sense, national security, and State's Rights. Access to energy is critical to our national security.

Using the excuse of countering the scientifically unsubstantiated theory of "Man Made Global Warming" and claiming it will result in the destruction of the planet by past and current human activity is only a tool being deployed by many politicians seeking POWER and CONTROL over people and the economies of nations. Over a period of perhaps 2+ billion years, changes in the climate have occurred independent of the activity of humans or any animals which have come and gone on the planet Earth. Only FOOLs believe these lies that politicians are using to CONTROL the people and force them to make dangerous economic changes to their lives.

The CONTROL being used by politicians against the rights of states to control the use of their own land, the welfare of their own citizens and to work together for national interests is UNLAWFUL, since the Constitution has granted certain powers to the States to manage their own affairs, independent of the Federal authority. The nation was designed under a Constitution which LIMITS the powers of the Federal Government over the Citizens of the United States. The Constitution was written to protect the people from abuse by a despotic, power of hungry rulers.

The defect of a Republic, like ours and that of nations like the Roman Empire, was that elected officials who were supposed to represent the people who elected them may eventually use their granted authority to enrich themselves at the expense of the countries citizens.

We are now at the point where our elected officials work for themselves and not the people who they have pledged to represent. This is why the States must resist the CONTROL being applied by these jaded, powerful men and women, who are now demanding subservience to a Ruling Class in Congress.

Alaska's governor and other governors MUST Stand Strong against the tyranny of those in Washington, DC who are now not serving the people, but demanding Absolute Obedience to demands which are contrary to the objectives of the Founding Fathers of this Great Country.

NAK, Keystone Pipeline, and many other projects MUST be left to the States to manage and not the Federal Government. In many cased Federal lands should revert to the States and State lands should be managed by State Governments.

Opps! Sorry.

This is a little long, but I have lot invested in NAK and other projects which are being affected by greedy and power hungry Congressional representatives who only pretend to care for this country.

I also fear for the nation, its survival and the safety of its lawful citizens.

The political power of the Federal government over sound engineering, science and economic benefits for the affected states and country outweigh all other factors.


05/05/21 11:19 AM

#28556 RE: sherman106 #28543