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04/30/21 1:50 PM

#230468 RE: johnydollar #230466

I think that a SANCTION being levied against DBMM is unavoidable.

Whether that sanction is revocation or suspension remains to be seen.

I do hope they are revoked.

Their actions were reprehensible.

First, they deprived investors of three YEARS of filings.

Second, they ignored SEC requests for information regarding the reason for the delinquent filings.

Third, they didn’t even respond to SEC inquiries until the evidentiary hearings of the OIP. This is EXACTLY what MOST companies do when they have extended periods of delinquent filings.

Fourth, during their initial replies to the SEC, they showed no remorse over missing filings. Indeed, they even came right out and admitted making an intentional choice to NOT file. Then said they should be “lauded” as to their reasons why. Those reasons centered on Linda’s very stupid decision to become involved with a known toxic lender, in a “death spiral” type of financing deal.

Fifth, when they did attempt to catch up on filings, they had insufficiencies in them. When the SEC requested that they make changes to correct them, they refused, saying that they didn’t think there was anything wrong with the filings!

They continue to fight the SEC, instead of complying with their requests to produce filings which are compliant with regulations.

If ever there was a case before the SEC in which a company deserves to be sanctioned for their actions? This is DEFINITELY the case here!