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07/10/21 10:23 AM

#72 RE: Watts Watt #70

Royal Dutch Shell $RDS.A $RDS.B and Rolls-Royce $RYCEY unveil plans to deepen their existing partnership on sustainable aviation fuels as part of their effort to achieve #netzero carbon emissions.


08/07/21 9:51 AM

#74 RE: Watts Watt #70

CLF I owned at $9.00 sold long ago. US economy going into tank by EOY under Biden Admin...

WHy such losses here for Royal Dutch??? I see they cut dividend in past too.


01/31/22 1:37 PM

#82 RE: Watts Watt #70

Been a n ice ride with RDS.b, WATTS Watt.

I just go into CLF at 16.45