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04/29/21 4:18 PM

#655582 RE: boarddork #655579


""".COOP is still WMI (with interim name changes)."""

I have NO IDEA how many times I said on this board

ALICE brought up in court that there in fact are 3 co's here in BK WMI WMIH and WMB.

Now Like I have said 100 times IF IF IF this was not in fact true, WHO WAS STILL IN BK AFTER they "" REORGD in 2012???????????

BK case didn't end till 2020 SO SOMEBODY WAS there yet wait, WMIH was the reorg's WMI???????

WAS it really or in FACT WAS IT JUST A SPIN OFF OF WMI as I have suggested here many times and WMI is still to come back to life