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Gus McCrae

04/29/21 3:42 PM

#373436 RE: pqr #373423

You should read my posts closer. I've said multiple times what I think the delay might be about. Key word being "might." Also, my anecdotal information about how other clinical stage bios release TLD is based on way more than 2 situations. Probably 50 or 60 over the last 15 years? Just a guess, and like I said, it's anecdotal, so whatever. All I know for sure is that NWBO is in completely unchartered territory with respect to its delay on releasing TLD AND it's purported reason for such delay, and I am curious about why that is. Since I'm not going to know for sure until TLD is released, I continuously think about whether to sell and move on with a modest gain or hold and wait for data (hero or zero). I understand that many people here are committed to holding until data no matter what, but I am not one of them. And it's OK for investors to have different strategies or convictions.

And if the criteria to post on this message board was the industry experience that MI has, then none of us would be posting. By the way, I find his or her posts incredibly valuable and am grateful that he or she shares them with us. As for why I post here, I don't know...I guess it's just because sometimes I feel like it. You are certainly welcome to block me or not pay attention, or even to call me out or make fun of me. Whatever.

However, speaking of contributions to the board, all I see from your prior posts is general cheerleading and congratulating and thanking other people for sharing views that agree with your own. What is the point of that? I mean, I don't care what you do, and those types of posts make up 90% of the daily posts on this message board, so you are certainly not alone, but continuously cheerleading on a message board seems like a huge waste of time to me. As does attacking people who don't 100% toe the ride or die bull line. I mean, you've accomplished literally nothing except for maybe winning some internet points from other NWBO cheerleaders.